Eiichi Abe,Kiyoshi Arai,Yasumitsu Ikoma,Osamu Inomata,Masahiko Shirahama,Hiroichi Sonoda,Ryoji Tamamushi,Yutaka Tamura,Shinji Nomura,Kazuo Horiuchi,Hiroshi Yamazaki,Shigeaki Yukawa,Kazuyoshi Tsunashima,Keita Kurosaka Exhibition
- Period
- 1/28/2019(Mon) - 2/2/2019(Sat)
- Artwork
- Microscope-2019
- flower
- RoseGarden
- Rosehip
- Factory that makes clouds
- sleep
- hydrangea
- Sunset glow
- early summer morning
- Crow at the waterside
- mountains and rivers
- pansy
- city
- city
- Snow on the nose – Squirrel
- Full of light ~ Ezo squirrel
- early spring
- passing away
- Fuji
- pandora’s box
- AmericanWoman
- K
- cover the whole mountain
- In early summer
- House
- ring