9/12/2022(Mon) - 9/17/2022(Sat) 2022Hiroyuki MiuraHajime NakamuraKeiko ImanishiYasuhiro OguraKiyoaki MorimotoShinji TodaMariko Toda Hiroyuki Miura,Hajime Nakamura,Keiko Imanishi,Yasuhiro Ogura,Kiyoaki Morimoto,Shinji Toda,Mariko Toda Exhibition 開催日: 2022-09-12 - 2022-09-17 Period9/12/2022(Mon) - 9/17/2022(Sat) Inquiry About Artwork Artwork soukou Traveling Moon I Traveling Moon II Traveling Moon III Traveling Moon Ⅳ Traveling Moon Ⅴ □■■ HANABI HANABI HANABI HANABI SILVER×STONE SILVER×STONE SILVER×STONE SILVER×STONE SILVER×STONE SILVER×STONE Vita One’s Lesson 1: Don’t watch the same TV everywhere Vita One’s teachings 2: Don’t say bad things or slander. Vita One’s teaching 3 Don’t listen to false information return to the north shout into the snow field King of the forest waiting for spring dream in the midnight sun dajare dajare dajare dajare dajare Inquiry About Artwork Exhibition scenery(360 degree)