Michiyo Ozawa,Chikako Kameda,Kiyo Saito,Akira Sasaki,Isamu Takahashi,Masayuki Hirasawa,Masako Mitsuhashi,Mutsu Yoshitomi,Hujiko Yamawaki Exhibition
- Period
- 2/13/2017(Mon) - 2/18/2017(Sat)
- Artwork
- Beyond the clematis
- hydrangea
- Meganebashi
- one day 3
- one day 2
- One day 1
- amaryllis
- olive village
- Meganebashi
- Ah, the bell of Nagasaki is ringing
- A clear blue sky
- The sound of a murmuring mass in the rain
- At the Glover House II
- At Glover House I
- La France
- Oura Cathedral
- high heels
- Untitled
- person
- person
- person
- K-kun
- autumn
- rose hedge
- Various things in Nagasaki
- twilight in the north
- Nagasaki was the rain today